All Stuff That is Andy (Cars, Gadgets, Art, Music

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

We made it!!!!

Here is a picture of the car out side of Paul Prudhomme’s restaurant in the French Quarter.

Sorry for the lack of updates, at the end of the day we usually found ourselves too tired to do anything but collapse into bed. Also, internet access apparently is not big priority in the South. I will give more updates over the next few days.

But we rolled into Akron at 4:35am on Tuesday. The car ran great. During the hottest times of the day we were able to average a speed 65-70 mph, which made for some long days. But when night came we were able to kick it up to 75mph or faster.

The trip was a success. We covered more than 3,000 miles in a car that most would not want to take to the corner store for a gallon of milk.

More to come…


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